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Touring George Washington’s Estate At Mount Vernon!

George Washington’s Mount Vernon 36.5K subscribers Discover a whole new way to see George Washington’s Mount Vernon with an exciting new augmented reality tour of the estate! Learn more: https://www.mountvernon.org/ARtour Put on a pair of augmented reality glasses and explore the historic estate through rich 360-degree visuals, interesting narration, period music, and atmospheric sounds. These glasses overlay digital content onto the real landscape in real time. While wearing them, you can still see the world as images and video are layered all around you. The augmented reality tour includes information, images, audio, and video not otherwise possible in the historic area: Watch as a 3D model of George Washington’s home evolve from the one-and-a-half story house his father built to the grand mansion it is today. See and hear the outbuildings and gardens come to life as re-enactors show some of the work assigned to the enslaved community. Finally, explore how Washington’s estate was saved from ruin by the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association in the 1850s.

Mount Vernon is owned and maintained in trust for the people of the United States by the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association of the Union, a private, non-profit organization.

We don’t accept government funding and rely upon private contributions to help preserve George Washington’s home and legacy.