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Slavonia – Echoes of Tradition | Visit Croatia.

Slavonia is a land of legends, with its myths and secrets proudly passed down through the generations. Here the locals fiercely uphold their traditions, such as harvest festivals, traditional dresses and the popular local music.

Once an endless blue expanse of sea, today it glistens in gold and its islands are green mountains. All that is left of the great waters are tiny shells in the fertile plains of Slavonia. Yet the waters are still here – three great rivers, the Sava, the Drava and the Danube hold this region in their embrace. People knew that in this area, to which nature was so generous, they would have a good home. However, the long gone Pannonian Sea did leave its trace: a single saltwater spring in Bizovec. Its temperature (96°C) is unique in Europe. This alluring natural environment was greatly appreciated by the nobility, so much so that they built their castles here, indulged in hunting, fishing and, of course, the wines – which were also much appreciated in the courts of Europe and savoured at coronation ceremonies. The wine cellars of Ilok, Kutjevo and Belje are world famous. Now we can all enjoy the magic of times gone by. Following the Trails of the Pannonian Sea, discover the lovely songs of the area accompanied by tambouritzas, and enjoy the parades of people dressed in their colourful and festive folk costumes, men with their ‘šokački’ hats and young women with their gold ducat necklaces. The city of Vinkovci – the oldest continuously inhabited city in Europe.